"The story of me" is about discovering own roots, about listening to stories which influenced us and about keeping those stories for next generations..


Strategic partnership project focused on oral history, in particular on self recording and ways in which seniors themselves can keep their memories for next generations using new technologies.


Three community organisations: Dobków, Fontao and Vesela (Poland, Galicia / Spain, Czech Republic). Who have already cooperated within project: Happy villages


September 2015 - August 2017


Training activities for 18 seniors from partner villages: workshops on ICT tools and on oral history, some happening in their home town some during international meetings.

Partnership meetings for representatives of partner organisations during which they will share their experience and good practicies with oral history projects.

Local activities connected to oral history: trainings sharing methodology developed within the project with our local communities (representatives of other organisations, museus), educational paths, community events based on memories of eye witnesses. 

Project is supported by Programme Erasmus +

© 2016 The story of me
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